Jennifer Lawrence Fashion Time Warp

"It" girl Jennifer Lawrence is getting a lot of attention this year, and with good reason! 

The recent Golden Globe nominee has proven herself worthy of the big-screen hype thanks to the box office success of The Hunger Games and Silver Linings Playbook. On top of that, the beauteous bombshell has become a fashion-forward phenomenon.

Related: Five Things You Don't Know About Jennifer Lawrence

Join us as we look back at Jennifer's best and worst looks of red carpet past.

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Storm brings heavy rain and wind to NYC, with regional travel delays expected

Dan Good

A storm system has brought rain and wind to the region, with travel delays expected across the northeast today.

Better bring the umbrella.

A storm system brought gusty wind and heavy rain to the northeast this morning, making for a messy New York City commute - and likely causing travel delays across the region.

A scaffolding collapse shut down a section of Bay Parkway in Brooklyn, while flooding is reported on I-278 East.

The storm also flooded roadways in New Jersey, forcing officials to close lanes on I-287 southbound in Harding Township, Morris County, as well as NJ 35 northbound in Old Bridge Township, Middlesex County.

Officials are urging drivers to slow down on bridges due to the high winds.

According to, rain should fall until the early afternoon, but the wind should continue, likely leading to widespread air delays.

The cold front's potential impacts caused NWS to issue a high wind warning for the region. NWS meteorologists expect wind gusts in the city to reach up to 55 miles per hour tonight. There's even a chance for snow.

The storm should drop temperatures into the 20s during the next few days, worrisome cold for city residents and Christmas travelers.

Newark Liberty International Airport officials issued a weather statement this morning stating that travel disruptions are likely - and urging travelers to contact their airline to check on flight statuses.

The same storm system dumped more than a foot of snow on parts of the midwest.


The storm system is seen on a NOAA satellite image.

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Cuba lashes out against U.S. fines on foreign banks

The Cuban government Thursday denounced what it called the “unjust and illegal” multi-million dollar fines the U.S. government slapped on two foreign banks for violating Washington’s sanctions on the island.

The U.S. actions show that its “ferocious persecution of financial and commercial transactions by Cuba and those with legitimate relations … has only changed but has hardened,” a Foreign Ministry official said in a statement.

The British-based HSBC bank agreed to pay $1.9 billion to the U.S. government last week to settle accusations that it laundered drug money through its Mexican and other branches, and violated U.S. economic sanctions on Cuba.

The next day Washington announced that Japan’s Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ bank had agreed to pay $8.6 million to settle what the Cuban statement called “a supposed violation of the unilateral sanctions of the United States against various countries, including Cuba.”

Under the trade embargo, banks cannot move Cuban funds through U.S. financial institutions or handle U.S. dollar deposits for Cuban entities or citizens. Cuba is subject to other sanctions as well because it is on the U.S. list of countries that support international terrorism.

The Foreign Ministry statement noted that the sanctions came one month after the U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for the 21st time to condemn the 50-year-old trade embargo against Cuba.

While the HSBC settlement was reported to be one of the largest ever, the U.S. Treasury Department has hit several other foreign banks in recent years for violating sanctions on Cuba and other countries, especially Iran.

The Netherlands’ ING bank agreed to a $619 million settlement earlier this year. Credit Suisse agreed to pay $539 million in 2009. And the Swiss UBS bank was hit with a $100 million settlement in 2004.

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Sarasota man charged with child abuse after ‘hog-tied’ daughter, 11, dies

A 35-year-old Sarasota man has been charged with abusing his 11-year-old daughter, who died this week, according to the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office.

Investigators have determined the girl was regularly “hog tied,” to a board on her bed with duct tape on her mouth, or tied up and put in a filthy family pool," according to authorities.

Sarasota County paramedics were called to the home of Kenneth Stoddard on Dec. 12 when the girl, Melissa Stoddard, stopped breathing. The girl was taken to Doctors Hospital in Sarasota and later to All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, where doctors discovered Melissa had severe brain damage and was classified as brain dead, according to the sheriff’s office.

The girl "also had ligature marks on her upper arms, wrists, ankles and thigh area," the report states.

Melissa Stoddard died Monday, and an autopsy determined that the cause of death was hypoxia, which is caused by the deprivation of adequate oxygen supply.

The Department of Children and Families has taken custody of the five other children who also lived in the home, some of whom described how the parents “restrained” Melissa," the sheriff's office said.

Kenneth Stoddard is charged with aggravated child abuse and is being held without bond. Additional charges are possible, according to the sheriff's office.

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Boehner dares Obama to reject a GOP tax hike on millionaires in 49-second address

WASHINGTON — In one of the most abrupt Capitol Hill press conferences ever, House Speaker John Boehner yesterday dared President Obama to ignore a Republican offer to raise taxes on millionaires and instead take a fiscal-cliff jump.

“He can call upon the Senate Democrats to pass the legislation or he can be responsible for the largest tax increase in American history,” Boehner told reporters before walking off after just 49.5 seconds at the podium.

Boehner’s hasty retreat as reporters shouted questions mirrored the impasse in negotiations.

Obama, who proposed higher taxes on incomes above $400,000 a year, pressed Republicans to come to an agreement to avert the cliff by invoking the tragic school shooting in Connecticut.

RIGHT TO THE POINT: House Speaker John Boehner issues his latest fiscal-cliff negotiation challenge to President Obama yesterday.

Photo: Getty Images

RIGHT TO THE POINT: House Speaker John Boehner issues his latest fiscal-cliff negotiation challenge to President Obama yesterday.

“Goodness, if this past week has done anything, it should just give us some perspective,” Obama said at a White House press conference called to discuss gun control.

Without a deal, the cliff hits on Jan. 1 with huge automatic tax hikes on every American and deep spending cuts that likely will cause another recession.

Fitch Ratings agency yesterday warned that it would likely downgrade the United States’ top AAA credit rating if Washington can’t strike a deal.

Boehner’s latest proposal, called Plan B, would spare more than 99 percent of Americans from tax hikes but raise rates on annual incomes over $1 million.

The two sides are at odds over the mix of higher taxes and spending cuts needed to replace the self-imposed cliff but still reduce government debt.

Obama has proposed $1.3 trillion in new tax revenues over 10 years, while Boehner has called for $1 trillion.

“The idea that we would put our economy at risk because you can’t bridge that gap doesn’t make a lot of sense,” Obama said.

The House is expected to pass the Plan B bill today, with overwhelming support from Republicans despite their longtime opposition to higher taxes.

Obama said he would veto it, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). said the measure couldn’t pass his chamber even as a last-ditch effort.

Anti-tax activist Grover Norquist blessed the bill, saying it would not violate his no-new-taxes pledge that many Republicans have signed.

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Survey shows better lending climate

Most Miami-Dade businesses believe they have easier access to borrowed money amid a slowly improving economy.

That’s one result from a recent survey of executives by Miami’s Bilzin Sumberg law firm. The online survey of about 200 top executives was conducted during the second half of 2012.

Nearly 60 percent of respondents said they thought the financing environment had improved since 2011, with venture capital funds and community banks identified as the top sources of potential capital. Fifty-two percent called the economy “growing slowly,’’ compared to 7 percent describing it as “strong and growing.” Only 16 percent described the economy as weak.


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Teen shot to death on Lauderdale Lakes street in front of friend

A teenager was shot dead as he walked with a friend on a Lauderdale Lakes street.

Cornelius Mitchell, 17, of Fort Lauderdale died at Broward Health Medical Center after being shot in the 4400 block of North State Road 7. Mitchell was walking Tuesday afternoon with friend Bravon Newsom, also 17, who was grazed by a bullet.

According to the Broward Sheriff’s Office, Mitchell and Newsom got into a dispute with Elijah Ellington, who police say then pulled a gun and opened fire on the two teens.

Ellington, 32, of 7001 SW 11th St. in Pembroke Pines, is in custody.

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What If Nothing or Nobody is to Blame for Lanza? Guns, Video Games, Autism or Authorities

What if there is nobody or nothing to blame for Adam Lanza‘s heinous acts? Other than Lanza, of course.

What if school security and the school psychiatrist kept an eye on Lanza since his freshman year? The Wall Street Journal has a compelling narrative about the red flags addressed.

What if he had a form of autism that has little or no link to violent behavior? Lanza may have had Asperger’s syndrome but, even so, that is not a cause.

What if it’s too simple to lay the massacre at the feet of the gun lobby? Reader Larry Kelly tweets that shaming Aspies “makes about as much sense at stigmatizing the NRA. Pick an enemy … any enemy. Let outrage and fear rule.”

What if Lanza wasn’t provoked by video games? David Axelrod, a close friend an adviser of President Obama, tweeted last night: “In NFL post-game: an ad for shoot ‘em up video game. All for curbing weapons of war. But shouldn’t we also quit marketing murder as a game.”

When I asked whether he was laying groundwork for a White House initiative, Axelrod said no: “Just one man’s observation.” A senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonytmmity, said today that Axelrod was not a stalking horse for Obama on this issue.

What if Lanza’s mother did everything she could, short of keeping her guns out her adult son’s reach? What if he wasn’t bullied?

What if there is nobody or nothing to blame? Would that make this inexplicable horror unbearable?

What if we didn’t rush to judgement? What if we didn’t waste our thoughts, prayers and actions on assigning blame for the sake of mere recrimination? What if we calmly and ruthlessly learned whatever lessons we can from the massacre — and prevented the next one?

A parting thought: What if it wasn’t one thing, but everything, that set off Lanza?

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Angelina Jolie to Direct Unbroken Film

Angelina Jolie is in final negotiations to direct her second film, Unbroken, based on the story of Louis Zamperini, an Olympian-turned-World War II prisoner of war, according to Deadline.

Video: Angelina Jolie Talks Kids, 'Blood and Honey'

"I was so moved by Louie Zamperini's heroic story, I immediately began to fight for the opportunity to make this film," said The Oscar-winning actress in a statement. "Louie is a true hero and a man of immense humanity, faith and courage. I am deeply honored to have the chance to tell his inspiring story."

Adapted from Seabiscuit author Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption, the feature film will tell the real-life tale of American Olympic distance runner Louis Zamperini, who was captured and imprisoned by the Japanese Navy during World War II.

Unbroken will be the second film directed by Jolie. The 37-year-old made her debut in 2011's In The Land Of Blood And Honey.

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O, stop this apocalypse . . . now!


Michael Goodwin

This is why we have a president. The question is whether the president we have will rise to the challenge.

Barack Obama gave an eloquent, heartfelt address at Sunday’s memorial service in Newtown, Conn. He said privately that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School made Friday “the worst day” of his tenure. The pain showed on his face.

But sharing the suffering of the 26 families who lost loved ones and calming a traumatized nation won’t be enough. As Mayor Bloomberg put it bluntly, “Being the consoler in chief is part of his job. His main job is being commander in chief, and I endorsed him, and I endorsed him because he said he believes in rational use of guns in this country, and I expect him to do exactly that.”

Leaving aside his inexact reference to commander in chief, Bloomberg is right to put the ball in the president’s court. It belongs there precisely because there are no easy and obvious answers to where America goes from here.

For sure, there are some straightforward steps that will mark a good start. A ban on automatic and semi-automatic rifles, along with outsized ammunition clips that have no rational civilian use, likely will find wide support now.

The goal is clear: Take the “mass” out of “mass murder,” as one observer put it.

Yet it is striking that parts of that ban were in effect for 10 years until 2004, and Democrats did nothing to revive it when they had full control of Washington in the first two years of Obama’s term. The inaction offers an insight not only into the tricky politics of gun control, which divides both parties, but how Obama picked his priorities.

He did not believe he was elected to refight the prosaic battles of past presidents. He made it clear he wanted to “transform” America, not merely reform it. Splitting his party over gun control would have cost political capital he wanted to save for other fights, such as ObamaCare and re-election.

So, as Bloomberg not so delicately put it, “The president spoke out visibly on gun violence after the mass shooting in Tucson two years ago. Yet since those shootings happened, more than 24,100 Americans have been murdered with guns.

“Had we done something then, a vast number of those would be alive today and their families wouldn’t have been torn asunder.”

There is truth in that claim, but it also unfairly mixes apples and oranges. The slaughter of 20 children is horrific beyond description, but the vast majority of murders happens alone. They are carried out primarily with handguns that didn’t fall under a federal ban then and won’t now.

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